Selasa, 21 Januari 2014


tanggal kadaluarsa adalah tanggal dimana produk makanan mencapai batas layak makannya. setiap makanan di dalam kemasan harus memiliki tanggal kadaluarsa. karna biasanya makanan dalam kemasan di produksi secara massal untuk masyarakat banyak, dan kita tidak dapat melihatnya karena makanan berada di dalam kemasan. namun apakah setiap tanggal makanan menujukan tanggal yang tepat dimana makanan sudah tak layak makan? menurut pengelaman saya, sebuah tanggal kadaluarsa sangat tidak sesuai dengan jangka waktu sebuah makanan kecil. saya ingat pada tanggal 18 januari 2014, saya membeli sebuah permen coklat yang sangat saya sudah kenal sejak kecil di minimarket dekat tempat tinggal sayang yang sudah sangat terkenal oleh karena itu saya membelinya tanpa melihat tanggal kadaluarsanya. setelah saya membayar di kasir dan saya membukanya, ternyata warna permen tersebut sudah nampak pudar dan rasanya pun sudah tidak enak. saya nampak ragu kalau permen coklat itu masih layak makan. namun ketika saya melihat tanggal kadaluarsa permen tersebut, menunjukan angka 022014 yang berarti bulan 2 (Februari) 2014. yang jika kita hitung sekitar 2 minggu menuju tanggal kadaluarsanya, namun ketika saya perhatikan dan rasakan permen tersebut, sudah bisa dibilang tak layak makan. saya tidak menindak lanjuti kesalahan ini karena saya tidak mengerti siapa yang salah di dalam kasus ini, apakah pihak minimarket yang menjual karena tidak memerhatikan makanan yang hampir mencapai tanggal kadaluarsa, atau pihak pabrik yang tidak tepat dalam memberikan tanggal kadaluarsa. namun saya akan mencoba melakukan survey di minimarket tempat yang saya beli dan melihat beberapa makanan yang di jual. yang pasti hal ini merupakan pertanyaan besar yang seharusnya segera di jawab, dan tentunya harus seger di tindak lanjuti karena banyaknya minimarket merupakan alasan banyak masayarakat mengonsumsi makanan dalam kemasan. dan jika tidak di tindak lanjuti, banyak konsumen yang mungkin mengalami keracunan makanan yang terkadang menyebabkan kematian. 

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

siapa yang tidak tahu makanan agar agar. semua orang pasti tahu. banyak orang menyukai agar agar karna rasanya yang bisa di buat sesuai selera. dan teksturnya yang kenyal sangat mudah dimakan untuk siapa saja. selain rasanya enak, agar agar juga bermanfaat untuk pencernaan karena menggunakan bahan rumput laut.
agar agar memiliki banyak variasi. saya pun ingin mencoba berbagi variasi tambahan di dalam daftar agar agar. resep agar batik ini saya dapatkan dari tante saya. dan saya rasa cukup unik karena saya belum pernah   mendengar ada agar agar bernaman agar batik.
langkah-langkah membuat ager batik

bahan bahan :
-agar agar 4 sachette
-satu kaleng susu kental manis vanila
-coklat batangan pahit

peralatan :
-2 buah panci
-satu buah loyang besar

Pertama bagi air 800ml kedalam dua panci, menjadi 400ml per panci lalu panaskan air di panci. setelah panas masukan agar agar 2 sachette tiap panci sambil di aduk. lalu masukan panci satu dengan sekaleng susu kental vanila dan masukkan secukupnya hingga larutan agar berubah coklat gelap. lalu masukan gula jangan terlalu banyak ke dalam larutan agar agar, karena susu vanilanya sudah memberikan rasa manis.siapkan loyang agar agar atau kue jika kurang besar. setelah panas angkat kedua panci larutan agar. gunakan sendok makan lalu sendok larutan agar di panci sedikit demi sedikit dan bergantian perlahan lahan. dalam membuat agar batik sangat di butuhkan banyak kesabaran agar corak warna agar batik tidak bercampur. jangan lupa untuk terus menghangatkan larutan agar agar, supaya tidak membeku sebelum jadi. setelah seluruh larutan agar agar sudah di tuang dengan sendok, masukan loyang ke dalam lemari es dan tunggu hingga dingin. voila, agar batik yang cantik siap di sajikan perpotong agar sisi dari coraknya terlihat.


"semua indah pada waktunya"
ulat merupakan serangga pemakan dedaunan yang bisa di bilang tidak indah. mereka merusak banyak tanaman dan menjadi hama untuk banyak pihak. namun ketika waktunya tiba untuknya mengalami perubahan, mereka menjadi seekor serangga terbang yang keindahannya menyegarkan bagi mata yang melihatnya. mereka menjadi kupu kupu cantik dan memberikan banyak guna untuk tumbuhan sekitarnya. tapi untuk menjadi seekor kupu kupu tidak sesingkat itu, dimana ulat harus menjadi hama untuk mencari nutrisi untuk melalui proses yang lama di dalam sebuah kepompong yanng membutuhkan waktu berhari hari untuk akhirnya berubah menjadi makhluk yang cantik itu. mungkin begitulah manusia seharusnya dalam menjalani hidup untuk mencapai keindahan yang kita sebut sebagai kebahagiaan. karena di dalam hidup, pasti selalu ada rintangan yang menghalangi di saat kita ingin meraih suatu hal yang kita inginkan. akan tetapi manusia selalu melewatkan proses yang penting di dalam meraih kebahagiaan, yaitu bersabar dan berusaha. karena disaat kita tidak bersabar, segala cara akan kita halalkan dalam mendapatkan sesuatu. niscaya tanpa bersabar, hal yang kita inginkan tak akan membawa kebahagiaan.

my opinion about HARVESTMOON "Back to Nature" game

harvestmoon "back to nature" is a good game to learn about caring something. because in this game we are demanded to maintain a farm and the livestocks as good as we can. beside that we must keep socialize to build a good relationship with another character in the village.
this game is really suitable for kids nowaday to learn how to be nice to anyone instead of playing another violence containing videogames. because in the modern era we can't seperate kids frome video games, at least we can control what games they may play.


this game storyline is about a farm life and suburban routine. start with a man who visited his grandfather farm when he was a kid. he played in his grandfather's farm delightfully. he just like another urban kids who visit suburban areas for the first time. he was really excited to see livestock in his grandfather's farm. he played with cows, tried to hop into it's back but fall instead. he played with chickens, tried to scare them but got chased by a bunch of chicken instead. one day when he relaxing on mother's hill peak, he heard a beautiful voice singing a song. and he he saw a little girl approach him and ask him, if he was the boy who visiting the old man in the village which is his grand father. she said she always play in the mother's hill peak alone but she asked him to tell some stories about the city and about him. until the last day he stayed in his grandfather's farm he said goodbye to the girl and promise that he will come back to the village but till he still didn't know who was the girl name. after his grandfather passed away, his grandfather wish is to keep the farm maintained by him. and he will be the owner of the farm. and he tried to find the girl of his childhood and marry her.

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014


With these researchs, I would like to show you the characteristics of viewers in Indonesia, which is represent in viewers of NET TV. And our hope is to make Indonesian create a good TV chanel with good program that may entertain and also educate Indonesia’s people.
A. Background
Until now, the television media still occupies a dominant position as an advertising medium. for some products, the mass media of television is still as the main choice as a means to promote production. As an advertising medium television can be utilized to establish an ad with the advantages that believes audiovisual able to maximize the advertising message is delivered to the promotion of products, services or activities. An advertisement or advertising agencies faced with the choice of options, ie large budget issued, choice tv station that will be used, the choice of programs and the allocation of advertisement impressions in a short period of time. Making decision on the basis of advertising messages to be directed to the targeted ads that target consumers at the right time and right place.
B. Problems will be discussed in these papers “Viewer Characteristics of NET TV geographically” are :
1.                 history of  NET TV.
2.                 viewers characteristic of NET TV.
3.                 The reasons that viewers in big cities are higher than in the urban regions.
4.                 Conclusion.
C. The Purpose of  Writing :
1.   Describe the characteristics of  the viewers in Indonesia.
2.   Describe the broadcast quality of the show in Indonesia at the moment.
3.   Describe the things to be the cause of low-quality TV shows in Indonesia.
4.   Describe the solutions that can be given to broadcasting problems in Indonesia.

1.       History NET TV station
NET TV is a channel that is still new in the arena of Indonesian television, initially NET TV is a trial channel for several month in May 2013. NET TV presents a different TV program from other TV station.NET TV which stands for News and Entertainment Television has replaced SPACETOON tv channel. This Indonesia terrestrial broadcasting is aimed at families and younger audiences. In 2012, PT Net Mediatama Indonesia wants to build a TV station that brought a revolution in media that Whisnutama initiated by ( former president of Trans TV ). And at this moment NET TV competing in parallel level with Trans TV and other private sector TV station.

2.       Viewers Characteristics
Seen from a program that aired in NET TV as “morning show” , “tonight show”, and “Sarah Sechan”, are Talkshow-type of programs frequently invited popular celebrities , such as pop singer, or new comer celebrities who rarely liked by viewers in rural areas more like a dangdut singer who used to appear in rural areas as we know. Because of these type of entertainment, urban villagers have no interest to watch some kind of new comer celebrities which recently known. On the other side,  in big cities where high technologies are everywhere give and most of the people have educate better than in rural areas give a different point of view of to these TV channel, NET TV. They have some interest in new comer celebrities and can see the entertaining side to watch talkshow-typed programs that aired in NET TV. Additionally villagers usually do not like most of the entertainment at the contents of the conversation between the star only guests and presenters.  Like the most popular TV programs currently on NET TV program, The Comment. Has the characteristics of modern viewers who can receive jokes that are not easily understood to a certain audience, like in rural areas . In contrast to the urban viewers who have a taste of  popular or new as a means of social media has been  in the cities make urban viewers have no idea the current popular celebrities .

3.       The Reasons That Viewers in Big Cities are higher than in the urban regions.

The main target of this tv station is definitely dominant over to viewers who live in big cities than in rural areas , we can examine from the program are presented , some of TV program using a foreign language ( English ) that shows from it’s title, such as musical events, fashion etc. Fashion Events such as “iLook” was sounds really abroad. In this show, the dress styles inspired by western culture obviously could not make attracted rural viewers . Some programs that dominantly are new channels are created for modern civilization that well-educates. Because each programs are international scale programs and wrapped in an attractive manner  includes new  comer artists and presenting about things that are far from  rural interest that rural areas don’t need.

With that goal on creating the program, NET TV news channel is to reach the urban region audience section . And sell the ratings by providing big countries need’s programs .
4.       Conclusion
From what NET TV is targetting on. It shows that most of Indonesian rural population have minimal education. This caused due to lack of school facilities and install an idea that education is important. education should have to include all of those who were in the country. so there is no more divisions of the population by the level of education in each TV station in television. And also a lack of infrastructure in rural areas make important informations couldn’t reach rural region. and as country-wide media which can cover the whole islands anywhere in Indonesia, Should uses it as an educational tool as well in order to provide a good education to all viewers. because developed country is a country with smart population.



Dogs are People Two
(BBC)- FOR the past two years, my colleagues and I have been training dogs to go in an M.R.I. scanner — completely awake and unrestrained. Our goal has been to determine how dog’s brains work and, even more important, what they think of us humans.
Now, after training and scanning a dozen dogs, my one inescapable conclusion is this: dogs are people, too.
Because dogs can’t speak, scientists have relied on behavioral observations to infer what dogs are thinking. It is a tricky business. You can’t ask a dog why he does something. And you certainly can’t ask him how he feels. The prospect of ferreting out animal emotions scares many scientists. After all, animal research is big business. It has been easy to sidestep the difficult questions about animal sentience and emotions because they have been unanswerable.
Until now, By looking directly at their brains and bypassing the constraints of behaviorism, M.R.I.’s can tell us about dogs’ internal states. M.R.I.’s are conducted in loud, confined spaces. People don’t like them, and you have to hold absolutely still during the procedure. Conventional veterinary practice says you have to anesthetize animals so they don’t move during a scan. But you can’t study brain function in an anesthetized animal. At least not anything interesting like perception or emotion.
From the beginning, we treated the dogs as persons. We had a consent form, which was modeled after children’s consent form but signed by the dog’s owner. We emphasized that participation was voluntary, and that the dog had the right to quit the study. We used only positive training methods. No sedation. No restraints. If the dogs didn’t want to be in the M.R.I. scanner, they could leave. Same as any human volunteer.
My dog Callie was the first. Rescued from a shelter, Callie was a skinny black terrier mix, what is called a feist in the southern Appalachians, from where she came. True to her roots, she preferred hunting squirrels and rabbits in the backyard to curling up in my lap. She had a natural inquisitiveness, which probably landed her in the shelter in the first place, but also made training a breeze.
With the help of my friend Mark Spivak, a dog trainer, we started teaching Callie to go into an M.R.I. simulator that I built in my living room. She learned to walk up steps into a tube, place her head in a custom-fitted chin rest, and hold rock-still for periods of up to 30 seconds. Oh, and she had to learn to wear earmuffs to protect her sensitive hearing from the 95 decibels of noise the scanner makes.
After months of training and some trials-and-errors at the real M.R.I. scanner, we were rewarded with the first maps of brain activity. For our first tests, we measured Callie’s brain response to two hand signals in the scanner. In later experiments, not yet published, we determined which parts of her brain distinguished the scents of familiar and unfamiliar dogs and humans.
Soon, the local dog community learned of our quest to determine what dogs are thinking. Within a year, we had assembled a team of a dozen dogs who were all “M.R.I.-certified.”
Although we are just beginning to answer basic questions about the canine brain, we cannot ignore the striking similarity between dogs and humans in both the structure and function of a key brain region: the caudate nucleus.
Rich in dopamine receptors, the caudate sits between the brainstem and the cortex. In humans, the caudate plays a key role in the anticipation of things we enjoy, like food, love and money. But can we flip this association around and infer what a person is thinking just by measuring caudate activity? Because of the overwhelming complexity of how different parts of the brain are connected to one another, it is not usually possible to pin a single cognitive function or emotion to a single brain region.
But the caudate may be an exception. Specific parts of the caudate stand out for their consistent activation to many things that humans enjoy. Caudate activation is so consistent that under the right circumstances, it can predict our preferences for food, music and even beauty.
UNTUK dua tahun belakangan ini, rekan kerja saya dan saya telah melatih banyak anjing untuk memasuki pemindai M.R.I. — secara sadar sepenuhnya tanpa pengekang. Tujuan kita tidak lain untuk menentukan bagaimana otak anjing bekerja dan, bahkan lebih penting lagi, apa yang mereka pikirkan tentang kita para manusia.
Sekarang, setelah pelatihan dan pemindaian selusin ekor anjing, satu kesimpulan saya yang tak dapat di hindari adalah ini: anjing-anjing adalah manusia, juga.
Karena anjing-anjing tidak bisa berbicara, para ilmuwan telah bergantung pada beberapa pengamatan perilaku untuk menyimpulkan apa yang anjing–anjing pikirkan. Ini adalah pekerjaan yang rumit. Kalian tidak bisa bertanya kepada anjing mengapa dia melakukan suatu hal. Dan kalian pastinya tidak bisa tanyakan dia bagaimana perasaannya. membayangankan mengejar - ngejar emosi hewan membuat takut banyak ilmuwan. Lagipula, penilitian binatang merupakan bisnis yang besar. Sudah mudah untuk menghindari pertanyaan pertanyaan sulit tentang kemampuan merasa dan emosi-emosi hewan karena itu semua tidak dapat terjawab.
Hingga saat ini, dengan melihat langsung ke otak mereka dan mengabaikan batasan batasan prilaku, M.R.I. dapat memberitahu kita tentang keaadaan organ dalam anjing. M.R.I. di lakukan didalam ruang yang sempit dan berisik. Banyak orang  tidak suka itu, dan kalian harus terbujur kaku selama prosedur berjalan. Praktek dokter hewan umum mengatakan kalian harus membius hewan terlebih dahulu agar mereka tidak bergerak selama waktu pindai. Namun  kalian tidak bisa mempelajari fungsi otak pada hewan yang terbius. Setidaknya bukan hal menarik seperti tanggapan atau emosi.
Dari awal, kami memperlakukan anjing-anjing seperti manusia. Kami mendapat bentuk persetujuan, yang mana mencontoh dari bentuk persutujuan untuk anak anak tapi di tanda tangani oleh pemilik anjing–anjing tersebut. Kami menekankan bahwa keikutsertaan di lakukan secara sukarela, dan anjing tersebut punya hak untuk keluar dari penelitian. Kami hanya menggunakan cara berlatih yang baik. Tanpa obat penenang. Tanpa pengekangan–pengekangan. Jika anjing-anjing tersebut tidak ingin berada di dalam pemindai M.R.I., mereka bisa pergi. Sama seperti sukarelawan manusia.
Anjing saya Callie menjadi sukarelawan pertama. Di selamatkan dari penampung, Callie adalah anjing hitam kurus terrier campuran, yang di panggil si riang di Appalachians bagian selatan, dimana dia berasal. Asli dari jenisnya, dia memilih berburu beberapa tupai dan kelinci di halaman belakang daripada bergulung di atas pangkuan saya. Dia memiliki sifat rasa ingin tahu yang alami, yang mungkin membuat dia ditempatkan di dalam penampungan, akan tetapi membuat latihan menjadi mudah.
Dengan bantuan dari teman saya Mark Spivak, pelatih anjing, kami mulai mengajari Callie untuk masuk ke dalam tiruan M.R.I yang saya buat di ruang tamu saya.  Dia belajar melangkah masuk ke dalam tabung ruangan, meletakan kepalanya di atas tatakan dagu buatan, dan terdiam kaku untuk beberapa waktu hingga 30 detik. Oh, dan dia belajar menggunakan penutup telinga untuk melindungi pendengarannya yang sensitif dari suara berisik 95 desibel yang pemindai hasilkan.
Setelah beberapa bulan berlatih dan beberapa percobaan-dan-gagal menggunakan pemindai M.R.I. sungguhan, kami dihadiahi sebuah peta aktifitas otak yang pertama. Untuk pengujian pertama kami, kami mengukur respon otak Callie akan sinyal dua tangan di pemindai. Di percobaan selanjutnya, yang belum di siarkan, kami menetapkan bagian-bagian mana dari otaknya yang membedakan bau-bauan dari beberapa anjing dan manusia yang di kenal dan tidak dikenal.
Segera, komunita anjing setempat mempelajari penyelidikan kami untuk menentukan apa yang anjing-anjing pikirkan. Dalam setahun, kami telah membentuk sebuah kelompok dari selusin anjing, yang mana semua “bersertifikat M.R.I.”
Walaupun kami baru memulai menjawab pertanyaan dasar tentang otak kaninus, kami tidak bisa mengabaikan kesamaan yang menarik antara para anjing dan manusia dalam dua hal susunan dan kegunaan bagian penting otak: yaitu inti kaudatus.
Kaya akan banyak penerima dopamine, kaudatus berada di antara batang otak dan kulitnya. Pada manusia, kaudatus berperan di pengharapan akan beberapa hal yang kita suka, seperti makanan, cinta dan uang. Tapi bisa kah kita membalikan hubungan ini dan menyimpulkan apa yang seseorang pikirkan hanya dengan mengukur aktifitas kaudatus? Karena kerumitan yang berlimpah dari beberapa bagian berbeda di otak saling berhubungan satu sama lain, ini biasanya tidak mungkin untuk mencocokan sebuah fungsi kognitif dan emosi ke satu bagian otak.
Namun kaudatus mungkin sebuah pengecualian. Bagian tertentu dari kaudatus menunjukan aktifasi mereka untuk beberapa hal yang di sukai para manusia. Kegiatan kaudatus sangatlah tetap di bawah keadaan yang sesuai, kaudatus bisa memperikirakan pilihan kita atas makanan, musik dan bahkan kecantikan.

two year(s) : this plural noun is followed after cardinal number two and the noun is in the rule number 1 that have sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, x, so s added.
colleague(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
dog(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled beside than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
us human(s) : us that shows some of persons and this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
a dozen dog(s) : this plural is followed by cardinal number a dozen ( twelve)  and the noun is in the rule number 1. so s is added.
Scientist(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Observation(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
many scientist(s) : this is a plural noun because many is a quantifier determiner, and the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Brain(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Space(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Animal(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
dogs’ : this noun is a possessive inflectional form, because a plural noun becomes possessive by the addition of  ‘ alone to the final s.
persons : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Childr(en)’s : this plural noun is irregular plurals that take an en ending change like in the rule number 5.
Root(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Squirrel(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Rabbit(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Step(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Period(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
30 second(s) : this plural is followed by a cardinal number 30,  and the noun is in the rule number 1. so s is added.
Earmuff(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
95 decibel(s) : this plural is followed by a cardinal number 95,  and the noun is in the rule number 1. so s is added.
Month(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
some trial(s)-and-error(s) : this is a plural noun because some is a quantifier determiner, and the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
first map(s) : this noun is followed by ordinal number first, and this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
experiment(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Part(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
the scent(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Question(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Receptor(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
different parts : different means compares one thing to another which have a little similarity, that means need more than two things to compare. And the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
many thing(s) : this is a plural noun because many is a quantifier determiner, and the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
circumstance(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
preference(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.


(Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah by Rochayah Machali, Urutan bunyi /mata/ .... berbeda beda. Page 19)

The phonetic sound of /mata/ contain particular meaning to Indonesian speaker. However, phonetic /tmaa/, /mtaa/, etc do not have any meaning. Because of the arbitrary characteristic, there are no relation between word and thing it’s refers to. For instance, there is no relation in word ‘anjing’ with thing that refers or lead to the word. different sound, word ‘anjing’ have similar meaning with ‘dog’ (English) and ‘hund’ (Germany). Besides this arbitrary characteristic, people have a freedom to named things and situation they encountered. In other words, some people may see or feel same event but they will announce it in different ways.


("Translation" by Juliane House, Translation defined ..... into German. Page 8)


Penerjemahan adalah proses mengubah sebuah teks dari suatu bahasa ke bahasa lainnya. Kita perlu melihat lebih teliti hanya kepada apa yang melibatkan penerjemahan. Untuk permulaan, semua acuan pada teks memberikan kejelasan bahwa kita di sibukkan dengan penggunaan bahasa percakapan tertentu, dan seperti tidak menggunakan ilmu bahasa. Teks tidak hanya sekedar sekumpulan hal itu, dan pada saat beberapa kata dan kalimat di gunakan di dalam percakapan, mereka menggabungkannya untuk “membuat arti” yang berbeda. Di dalam menterjemah, tulisan di terjemahkan secara keseluruhan dan bukan unsur unsur penyusunnya : kita tidak mengartikan tiap kata atau kalimat. Penerjemahan berurusan dengan hubungan antar tulisan sebagaimana penggunaan pada bahasa aslinya, dan tentu seutuhnya berbeda dengan analisa perbandingan, yang mana di khawatirkan menghubungkan dua bahasa selayaknya sistem ikhtisar. Kita bisa membuktikan perbedaan ini dengan sengaja pada kutipan pendek berikut yang di ambil dari autobiografi ahli fisika terkenal Richard Feynman (Richard P. Feynman 1985. Tentu saja kau bercanda, tuan Feynman! New York : buku buku bantam) dan terjemahannya ke bahasa Jerman.


How I Met Your Mother

Actors and actress

How I Met Your Mother (often abbreviated to HIMYM) is an American sitcom that premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005. Known for its unique structure and eccentric humor, How I Met Your Mother has received positive reviews over the years. This show was creat by Craig thomas and Carter Bays, they said the series was inspired by their friendship whe they both live in New York city.
The show has been nominated for 24 Emmy Awards, winning seven. In 2010, Alyson Hannigan won the People’s Choice Awards for favorite TV Comedy Actress. In 2012 , the series won the People’s Choice Awards For Favorite Networlk TV Comedy, and Neil Patrick Harris won the award for Favorite TV Comedy Actor.
The series follows the main character, Ted Mosby (Josh Randor), and his group of friends in Manhattan. As a framing device, Ted, in the year 2030, tells to his son and daughter the events that led to his meeting their mother. Starts when he was in his 27 years old watches his two bestfriends from colleges years, Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel) have been dating for almost 9th years with Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan) when Marshall finally propose her. Their engagement cause ted to think about marriage and find his soulmate, And with  his self-appointed bestfriend Barney stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) whom he met in the restroom in a bar he usually hang out, Mclaren’s. Barney is a serial womanizer, who always wearing a suit. a con man who played con games only to bring women to bed. Make him met Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie Smulders), a pretty Canadian woman and soon to be his bestfriend. Once ted fell in love with Robin, but Robin was not want to hurry and because she isn’t the woman who will be the mother of Ted’s children.
Ted’s quest of love starts then. He dated lot of women. Find chemistries in them but no one had it yet. He was dating women from a baker, married woman, maniac, his class student. And even get left in the altar by his going to be wife with her ex husband.
And Robin, because he said to his children she was their aunt it is because she was married with his best friend barney. and when the marriage came, the moment he found his future wife also came.

HIMYM have nine season, came up with eight season for now, the ninth and final season started on November 23, 2013

HARVESTMOON "Back to Nature"

Harvestmoon "Back to Nature" is a game published by Natsume with RPG (Role Playing Game) genre. first released in USA on November 30, 2000. Harvestmoon "Back to Nature" is the fifth generation in Harvestmoon series. this was the first game in the series played on playstation game console. this was the first game in the series to be created for a non-nintendo. the game took most of the story's concept and elements from it predecessor harvestmoon 64 like, characters, festival, corps. only it characters had different in their relationship and occupation, add many new corps and festival to witness and participated in as well. this is also the first game to have strategy guide released with it by Prima. the latest version from this game harvestmoon "back to nature" for girl. besides it change the origin main character from a man into a woman and switch the match characters from the origin which are women into the men whose were the rivals of the origin version, also change the backstory of the main character and divert some festival like thanksgiving.

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014


in Harvestmoon "Back to nature" game, there are foods that you can buy and just eat and foods there are foods you can make and save it for supplies if you want to use it as emergency presents if there any characters in the game are having a birthday on tuesday when the supermarket is closed or you don't have any of your corps harvested. but you can cook when your house have been upgraded at least once. and if you want to be able to cook all of the recipes, you should have all of the cooking utensils and all of the ingredients. there are some recipes I want to share with you, which I got from some subcharacters in the village.

1.turnip salad :turnip, vinegar, knife, sugar/salt/soy sauce

2.Ice cream :milk, strawberries, sugar/salt/honey, blender

3.forgot :milk,egg, sugar, whisk and pot
strawberries, pineapple, apple, honey, grapes

4.sandwich :bread, knife, butter, cucumber, tomatoes, boiled egg

5.cheese fondue :cheese, bread, knife, pot, salt, wine

6.forgot :spinach, pot, soy sauce

7.forgot :flour, egg, cabbage, whisker, oil, pan knife

8.forgot :sweet potato, egg, butter, sugar, pot, oven

9.curry rice :curry powder, rice ball, pot, salt,


"Syukuri apa yang ada"
'kebahagiaan' , hal biasa yang kita dengar ketika kalian bertanya kepada seseorang apa yang mereka inginkan di dalam hidup mereka. sebuah impian yang ingin di gapai oleh setiap umat manusia. sebuah tujuan, cita-cita, harapan hidup yang tertinggi. namun terkadang banyak orang yang salah mengartiakn kebahagiaan itu sendiri.banyak manusia yang terkecoh oleh kenikmatan riil yang tiada habisnya di dunia. tenggelam akan harta yang berlimpah namun hampa di dalam jiwanya. menjadikan manusia terpuruk. tak pernah merasa puas akan apa yang kita miliki menjadikan manusia tak pernah merasakan kebahagiaan sejati. mungkin harta memang memberikan kepuasan, namun keserakahan adalah parasit yang menggerogoti jiwa manusia. tidak pernah puas memiliki satu benda, ingin dua benda. lalu kebosanan membuat benda yang dimiliki pun tak beraharga lagi di mata manusia. merasakan kurang dengan hal yang kita miliki, ingin memiliki hal yang di miliki orang lain.apa makna memiliki banyak harta jika kita tidak pernah merasa puas? jadilah seperti seekor keong, yang mengganti tempurungnya disaat tempurung lamanya tak lagi muat. bukan karna hanya menginginkan tempurung baru. tak pernah berpindah ke tempurung yang lebih besar dari apa yang dia butuhkan. karna dia takkan pas di dalamnya. jadilah manusia yang selalu bersyukur atas apa yang di miliki dan selalu berfikir positif terhadap sesuatu, agar dapat menjadikan seorang manusia tak pernah merasa kekurangan. ubahlah pemikiran "apa yang kita inginkan" menjadi "apa yang kita butuhkan" dapat merubah seluruh pemikiran kita tentang kebahagiaan.