Jumat, 10 Januari 2014


Dogs are People Two
(BBC)- FOR the past two years, my colleagues and I have been training dogs to go in an M.R.I. scanner — completely awake and unrestrained. Our goal has been to determine how dog’s brains work and, even more important, what they think of us humans.
Now, after training and scanning a dozen dogs, my one inescapable conclusion is this: dogs are people, too.
Because dogs can’t speak, scientists have relied on behavioral observations to infer what dogs are thinking. It is a tricky business. You can’t ask a dog why he does something. And you certainly can’t ask him how he feels. The prospect of ferreting out animal emotions scares many scientists. After all, animal research is big business. It has been easy to sidestep the difficult questions about animal sentience and emotions because they have been unanswerable.
Until now, By looking directly at their brains and bypassing the constraints of behaviorism, M.R.I.’s can tell us about dogs’ internal states. M.R.I.’s are conducted in loud, confined spaces. People don’t like them, and you have to hold absolutely still during the procedure. Conventional veterinary practice says you have to anesthetize animals so they don’t move during a scan. But you can’t study brain function in an anesthetized animal. At least not anything interesting like perception or emotion.
From the beginning, we treated the dogs as persons. We had a consent form, which was modeled after children’s consent form but signed by the dog’s owner. We emphasized that participation was voluntary, and that the dog had the right to quit the study. We used only positive training methods. No sedation. No restraints. If the dogs didn’t want to be in the M.R.I. scanner, they could leave. Same as any human volunteer.
My dog Callie was the first. Rescued from a shelter, Callie was a skinny black terrier mix, what is called a feist in the southern Appalachians, from where she came. True to her roots, she preferred hunting squirrels and rabbits in the backyard to curling up in my lap. She had a natural inquisitiveness, which probably landed her in the shelter in the first place, but also made training a breeze.
With the help of my friend Mark Spivak, a dog trainer, we started teaching Callie to go into an M.R.I. simulator that I built in my living room. She learned to walk up steps into a tube, place her head in a custom-fitted chin rest, and hold rock-still for periods of up to 30 seconds. Oh, and she had to learn to wear earmuffs to protect her sensitive hearing from the 95 decibels of noise the scanner makes.
After months of training and some trials-and-errors at the real M.R.I. scanner, we were rewarded with the first maps of brain activity. For our first tests, we measured Callie’s brain response to two hand signals in the scanner. In later experiments, not yet published, we determined which parts of her brain distinguished the scents of familiar and unfamiliar dogs and humans.
Soon, the local dog community learned of our quest to determine what dogs are thinking. Within a year, we had assembled a team of a dozen dogs who were all “M.R.I.-certified.”
Although we are just beginning to answer basic questions about the canine brain, we cannot ignore the striking similarity between dogs and humans in both the structure and function of a key brain region: the caudate nucleus.
Rich in dopamine receptors, the caudate sits between the brainstem and the cortex. In humans, the caudate plays a key role in the anticipation of things we enjoy, like food, love and money. But can we flip this association around and infer what a person is thinking just by measuring caudate activity? Because of the overwhelming complexity of how different parts of the brain are connected to one another, it is not usually possible to pin a single cognitive function or emotion to a single brain region.
But the caudate may be an exception. Specific parts of the caudate stand out for their consistent activation to many things that humans enjoy. Caudate activation is so consistent that under the right circumstances, it can predict our preferences for food, music and even beauty.
UNTUK dua tahun belakangan ini, rekan kerja saya dan saya telah melatih banyak anjing untuk memasuki pemindai M.R.I. — secara sadar sepenuhnya tanpa pengekang. Tujuan kita tidak lain untuk menentukan bagaimana otak anjing bekerja dan, bahkan lebih penting lagi, apa yang mereka pikirkan tentang kita para manusia.
Sekarang, setelah pelatihan dan pemindaian selusin ekor anjing, satu kesimpulan saya yang tak dapat di hindari adalah ini: anjing-anjing adalah manusia, juga.
Karena anjing-anjing tidak bisa berbicara, para ilmuwan telah bergantung pada beberapa pengamatan perilaku untuk menyimpulkan apa yang anjing–anjing pikirkan. Ini adalah pekerjaan yang rumit. Kalian tidak bisa bertanya kepada anjing mengapa dia melakukan suatu hal. Dan kalian pastinya tidak bisa tanyakan dia bagaimana perasaannya. membayangankan mengejar - ngejar emosi hewan membuat takut banyak ilmuwan. Lagipula, penilitian binatang merupakan bisnis yang besar. Sudah mudah untuk menghindari pertanyaan pertanyaan sulit tentang kemampuan merasa dan emosi-emosi hewan karena itu semua tidak dapat terjawab.
Hingga saat ini, dengan melihat langsung ke otak mereka dan mengabaikan batasan batasan prilaku, M.R.I. dapat memberitahu kita tentang keaadaan organ dalam anjing. M.R.I. di lakukan didalam ruang yang sempit dan berisik. Banyak orang  tidak suka itu, dan kalian harus terbujur kaku selama prosedur berjalan. Praktek dokter hewan umum mengatakan kalian harus membius hewan terlebih dahulu agar mereka tidak bergerak selama waktu pindai. Namun  kalian tidak bisa mempelajari fungsi otak pada hewan yang terbius. Setidaknya bukan hal menarik seperti tanggapan atau emosi.
Dari awal, kami memperlakukan anjing-anjing seperti manusia. Kami mendapat bentuk persetujuan, yang mana mencontoh dari bentuk persutujuan untuk anak anak tapi di tanda tangani oleh pemilik anjing–anjing tersebut. Kami menekankan bahwa keikutsertaan di lakukan secara sukarela, dan anjing tersebut punya hak untuk keluar dari penelitian. Kami hanya menggunakan cara berlatih yang baik. Tanpa obat penenang. Tanpa pengekangan–pengekangan. Jika anjing-anjing tersebut tidak ingin berada di dalam pemindai M.R.I., mereka bisa pergi. Sama seperti sukarelawan manusia.
Anjing saya Callie menjadi sukarelawan pertama. Di selamatkan dari penampung, Callie adalah anjing hitam kurus terrier campuran, yang di panggil si riang di Appalachians bagian selatan, dimana dia berasal. Asli dari jenisnya, dia memilih berburu beberapa tupai dan kelinci di halaman belakang daripada bergulung di atas pangkuan saya. Dia memiliki sifat rasa ingin tahu yang alami, yang mungkin membuat dia ditempatkan di dalam penampungan, akan tetapi membuat latihan menjadi mudah.
Dengan bantuan dari teman saya Mark Spivak, pelatih anjing, kami mulai mengajari Callie untuk masuk ke dalam tiruan M.R.I yang saya buat di ruang tamu saya.  Dia belajar melangkah masuk ke dalam tabung ruangan, meletakan kepalanya di atas tatakan dagu buatan, dan terdiam kaku untuk beberapa waktu hingga 30 detik. Oh, dan dia belajar menggunakan penutup telinga untuk melindungi pendengarannya yang sensitif dari suara berisik 95 desibel yang pemindai hasilkan.
Setelah beberapa bulan berlatih dan beberapa percobaan-dan-gagal menggunakan pemindai M.R.I. sungguhan, kami dihadiahi sebuah peta aktifitas otak yang pertama. Untuk pengujian pertama kami, kami mengukur respon otak Callie akan sinyal dua tangan di pemindai. Di percobaan selanjutnya, yang belum di siarkan, kami menetapkan bagian-bagian mana dari otaknya yang membedakan bau-bauan dari beberapa anjing dan manusia yang di kenal dan tidak dikenal.
Segera, komunita anjing setempat mempelajari penyelidikan kami untuk menentukan apa yang anjing-anjing pikirkan. Dalam setahun, kami telah membentuk sebuah kelompok dari selusin anjing, yang mana semua “bersertifikat M.R.I.”
Walaupun kami baru memulai menjawab pertanyaan dasar tentang otak kaninus, kami tidak bisa mengabaikan kesamaan yang menarik antara para anjing dan manusia dalam dua hal susunan dan kegunaan bagian penting otak: yaitu inti kaudatus.
Kaya akan banyak penerima dopamine, kaudatus berada di antara batang otak dan kulitnya. Pada manusia, kaudatus berperan di pengharapan akan beberapa hal yang kita suka, seperti makanan, cinta dan uang. Tapi bisa kah kita membalikan hubungan ini dan menyimpulkan apa yang seseorang pikirkan hanya dengan mengukur aktifitas kaudatus? Karena kerumitan yang berlimpah dari beberapa bagian berbeda di otak saling berhubungan satu sama lain, ini biasanya tidak mungkin untuk mencocokan sebuah fungsi kognitif dan emosi ke satu bagian otak.
Namun kaudatus mungkin sebuah pengecualian. Bagian tertentu dari kaudatus menunjukan aktifasi mereka untuk beberapa hal yang di sukai para manusia. Kegiatan kaudatus sangatlah tetap di bawah keadaan yang sesuai, kaudatus bisa memperikirakan pilihan kita atas makanan, musik dan bahkan kecantikan.

two year(s) : this plural noun is followed after cardinal number two and the noun is in the rule number 1 that have sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, x, so s added.
colleague(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
dog(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled beside than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
us human(s) : us that shows some of persons and this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
a dozen dog(s) : this plural is followed by cardinal number a dozen ( twelve)  and the noun is in the rule number 1. so s is added.
Scientist(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Observation(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
many scientist(s) : this is a plural noun because many is a quantifier determiner, and the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Brain(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Space(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Animal(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
dogs’ : this noun is a possessive inflectional form, because a plural noun becomes possessive by the addition of  ‘ alone to the final s.
persons : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Childr(en)’s : this plural noun is irregular plurals that take an en ending change like in the rule number 5.
Root(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Squirrel(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Rabbit(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Step(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Period(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
30 second(s) : this plural is followed by a cardinal number 30,  and the noun is in the rule number 1. so s is added.
Earmuff(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
95 decibel(s) : this plural is followed by a cardinal number 95,  and the noun is in the rule number 1. so s is added.
Month(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
some trial(s)-and-error(s) : this is a plural noun because some is a quantifier determiner, and the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
first map(s) : this noun is followed by ordinal number first, and this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
experiment(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Part(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
the scent(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Question(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
Receptor(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
different parts : different means compares one thing to another which have a little similarity, that means need more than two things to compare. And the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
many thing(s) : this is a plural noun because many is a quantifier determiner, and the plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
circumstance(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.
preference(s) : this plural noun represent in rule number 1, because the singular of this noun have a sibilant sound spelled besides than s, z, ch, sh, x, so s is added.

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