Minggu, 17 November 2013

shawshank redemption review

movie : shawshank redemption
directed by : frank darabon
writer : stephen king novella

andy dufresne is a bank accountant who is convicted as a murderer of his wife and a guy because she was had an affair with that guy, his wife has been shots 8 times and so her lover. andy settles into 2 consecutive life sentence. not like another recedivies, he is innocent. he wasn't the killer of his wife and her affair.he takes his sentences calmly, that's why red like him, red really sure that danny dufresne is not the same as another prisoner  in shawshank.. red is a smuggler for the prisoner, he could smuggling stuff  into the prison if they can affort it.. usually they use cigarettes as a barter for what they want from red.. red had been in shawshank almost twenty years, every time penilaian narapidana tiba, red couldn't make sure that he have been change, and wouldn't do the same thing what he did before he came into shawshank.. andy dufresne asked red to bring rock hammer to him for making some chess from few kind of rocks. andy knows about rock very well. and from that moment andy starts become friend with red. first time red have been asked to bring a rock hammer into the prison. he thinks that hammer is for andy to break free from the prison by make a tunnel with that hammer, but when red see the hammer, he just laugh because it's just a ten inches long hammer for small rock, but still it uses to cut his tunnel to escape the prison..andy doesn't look afraid like other freshmen prisoner. as an accountant he had more intelligent than another prisoner, he changes most of the system of the prisoner, he is the one who proposed to the president by writing alot of letter to give a fund for make a library inside the prison, knows about andy's skill of accounting, shawshank prison's chief, warden norton take an advantage of it and make andy do his dirty work "Inside-Out" program, which offered cheap prison labor, gained him finances.. many years have passed, theres a lot freshmen prisoner in shawshank.. include tomy, a little prick who have gone into many prison, and he knows who is the true killer of andy's wife and her lover, but the chief officer warden never want andy dufresne out of prison, andy knows too much about the crime warden's did, and warden still need andy's skill to manage his crime. so warden shot tommy to death with accuse for trying go out of prison,
andy dufresne do dirty job for warden for a long time and when the time has come, andy steal the document of warden wealth from cheap prison labor that he makes for warden, and escape shawshank from the tunnel that he make a decades ago.. and takes warden wealth from the bank with his fake ID account which is never exist and "clean" all of warden's money and reported warden for his cheap prison labor in shawshank.. During his many years inside Shawshank Red looses his hope of a life outside. Andy restores his hope in Red, not whilst inside Shawshank, but when Red gets paroled. Instead of following the same path of most inmates,  Red is given a helping hand by Andy. Red goes to a spot he and Andy discussed whilst inside Shawshank, and Red finds money and a brief note from Andy. Red remembers where Andy said he intends to go (mexico), and they meet there

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